This epic story begins 5000 years ago, when the ancestors of Polynesians discovered ways to ‘see’ over the horizon to find and settle new islands. As their landfinding skills grew, these people took ever bigger strides across the vast Pacific until they reached South America. It was not until almost every habitable island scattered across the world’s largest ocean was discovered and settled, that others would gain the skills and courage to head far from shore, allowing two great voyaging traditions to meet.
ANDREW CROWE has written over 40 books, including Pathway of the Birds: The Voyaging Achievements of Maori and their Polynesian Ancestors. Born in England to Irish immigrant parents, he reached Aotearoa by ship at the age of twenty and is a recipient of the country's top honour for children's literature, the Margaret Mahy Medal.
RICK FISHER has a natural talent for telling stories through his artwork, with a special focus on tangata whenua, kaitiakitanga (protection and guardianship of the environment) and historical themes. He is of Rarotongan, Tahitian and Maori (Ngati Maru) descent.
DIMENSIONS 297 x 228 mm
BOOK TYPE Hardback
AUTHOR Andrew Crowe
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