The lost wax casting process allows me to mimic the textures and patterns that I see in nature; the inside of a crayfish shell, baby mussels growing on a rock, the worn grooves in driftwood. Texture and pattern is everywhere if you take the time to look.

Adrienne lives on the coast and is passionate about the sea. It's moods and rhythms inspire her creative process. Most days she explores the local beaches with her young dog, Doug, and is a keen, all seasons, long distance, open water swimmer. Several days a week, she joins a group of local women for sunrise swims at a local bay.  Her fascination with the movement and feel of the sea, and the rhythm and power of the waves inspire the themes that run consistently throughout her work.

Adrienne finds beauty in the patterns, forms and textures of the treasures she finds at the beach, and seeks to celebrate that beauty in her work. Her work explores the notion that there is beauty in ageing. As the shine wears off, the true inner beauty and complexity of an object (or person) is revealed. 

The lost wax casting process allows me to mimic the textures and patterns that I see in nature; the inside of a crayfish shell, baby mussels growing on a rock, the worn grooves in driftwood. Texture and pattern is everywhere if you take the time to look.

Adrienne lives on the coast and is passionate about the sea. It's moods and rhythms inspire her creative process. Most days she explores the local beaches with her young dog, Doug, and is a keen, all seasons, long distance, open water swimmer. Several days a week, she joins a group of local women for sunrise swims at a local bay.  Her fascination with the movement and feel of the sea, and the rhythm and power of the waves inspire the themes that run consistently throughout her work.

Adrienne finds beauty in the patterns, forms and textures of the treasures she finds at the beach, and seeks to celebrate that beauty in her work. Her work explores the notion that there is beauty in ageing. As the shine wears off, the true inner beauty and complexity of an object (or person) is revealed.