Holly Roach
Holly Roach is a versatile artist known for her gorgeously emotive landscapes. Sweeping brush strokes and a striking array of colours inspired by natural surroundings set the tone within her luscious compositions.
I had the pleasure of asking the talented ceramic artist, Dawn Clayden about what makes her tick and what her creative process looks like.
You work with porcelain to create your beautifully intricate designs. Did you experiment with materials before you settled on porcelain as the right medium?
I've always been creative / making things. I've now been working with clay all of my studying and working career - possibly the medium has chosen me? My surname even has Clay in it. But it all started when I worked for Morris and James Pottery in Matakana, straight out of High School. After a few years I made the tough decision to leave and study for a Bachelor of Architectural Interior Design. That took a quick turn when I chose a ceramics elective and learnt slip casting and sculpture. In my last year of study I was lucky enough to have an internship at Studio Ceramics, I worked closely with their mould maker (he originally worked at Crown Lynn). I graduated with a Bachelor of Design, three dimensional in 2009. But I wasn't quite finished and continued my undergraduate study to a self directed Master of Design, graduating in 2014. Porcelain is my medium of choice compared to the iron rich mud from Morris and James - I never set out to work with pottery or ceramics. But here I am, that crazy art student that quite literally followed her heart. So grateful I can do what I do for a full time job
Do you prefer music, podcasts or silence while you create within your studio?
I love music, podcasts, youtube and occasionally Netflix. Joe Rogan and Russell Brand are a couple of my favourites. There is never silence in my studio, i always have something playing.
Do you prefer music, podcasts or silence while you create within your studio?
I love music, podcasts, youtube and occasionally Netflix. Joe Rogan and Russell Brand are a couple of my favourites. There is never silence in my studio, i always have something playing.
Your work involves carefully layering flowers and features. Do you find that this takes a lot of concentration or is it second nature now, to lay out the design and construct your works?
The flowers are definitely second nature to make, but they do take time and care. I view each vase as a blank canvas / a landscape to visually create something to entertain the eye. I can set out to make something with and idea in mind, then it can take a complete u turn - often feel i have no control on what happens, haha!
Your work involves carefully layering flowers and features. Do you find that this takes a lot of concentration or is it second nature now, to lay out the design and construct your works?
The flowers are definitely second nature to make, but they do take time and care. I view each vase as a blank canvas / a landscape to visually create something to entertain the eye. I can set out to make something with and idea in mind, then it can take a complete u turn - often feel i have no control on what happens, haha!
Do you work from drawn designs and patterns or is your process fairly organic?
It's completely organic. But from start to finish my work goes through so many processes. I use to draw, but currently it works better for me to jump straight in and make it. I'd rather spend my time making the pieces as well, often one piece can inspire the next. No two pieces are the same - each batch of work will differ to the next. I don't make colour recipes either, it's just what works best for me. Maybe one day I will?
Where do you gain your inspiration from? Ie, visual aids, walks in nature, nostalgia, travel etc.
I love flowers and colour, they are a huge source of inspiration. I also love all of the big fashion design houses, Christian Dior is a fave.
Where do you gain your inspiration from? Ie, visual aids, walks in nature, nostalgia, travel etc.
I love flowers and colour, they are a huge source of inspiration. I also love all of the big fashion design houses, Christian Dior is a fave.
What does a typical day within your studio look like?
Currently a typical day revolves around getting my daughter Charlotte to school - working during school hours and evenings.
What does a typical day within your studio look like?
Currently a typical day revolves around getting my daughter Charlotte to school - working during school hours and evenings.
Your works feature botanical designs, alongside iconic figures such as swans, spacemen and mother Mary. There is a lovely feeling of nostalgia, with a definite contemporary edge. What is the origin of these creations?
Nostalgia and sentimentality play a huge part in my work. Being mostly void of colour it strips the initial judgement a colour can cast from one's personal taste / current trends. The flowers can add a playful touch to them. I aim to create pieces that are a bit more timeless, I know they will outlive us all
If you could invite anyone to a dinner party, who would it be and why?
Well without a doubt, Joe Rogan, Russell Brand and if I could have another it would be Tony Hinchclife. Intelligence and humour, I love a good conversation.
If you could invite anyone to a dinner party, who would it be and why?
Well without a doubt, Joe Rogan, Russell Brand and if I could have another it would be Tony Hinchclife. Intelligence and humour, I love a good conversation.
And lastly, is there a place either within your local area or somewhere within Aotearoa that is dear to your heart?
I love Auckland, so many beautiful parks and beaches - Matakana and Orewa are particularly very special places to me.
And lastly, is there a place either within your local area or somewhere within Aotearoa that is dear to your heart?
I love Auckland, so many beautiful parks and beaches - Matakana and Orewa are particularly very special places to me.
Holly Roach is a versatile artist known for her gorgeously emotive landscapes. Sweeping brush strokes and a striking array of colours inspired by natural surroundings set the tone within her luscious compositions.
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